@Per Yngve Berg:
No I hadn't. I really didn't know that one has to. It kind of worked, but I came into some problems since I have a very illustrated blog. I use a table to align the tables and every other cell is aligned to the right. That f**ks up the alignment on the front page as it never gets set right at the cut point. So I tried to toggle the editorand put the break between </tr> and <tr>, but the editor thougt that was outside the table and moved it above the table, and that's at the top of the article.
This one works. It cuts the text as I want and also does not srew up the formatting on the listing.
One of my articles got a large white field after the cut and befire the «Read more» buttons, but only one of them and that's the article that I was testing with, and I didn' find anyting particular in te HTML-code that should do it, but I gueaa I will when I look closer into it.
Anyway, I have a solution i can live with, me thinks, so thank you both very much!
No I hadn't. I really didn't know that one has to. It kind of worked, but I came into some problems since I have a very illustrated blog. I use a table to align the tables and every other cell is aligned to the right. That f**ks up the alignment on the front page as it never gets set right at the cut point. So I tried to toggle the editorand put the break between </tr> and <tr>, but the editor thougt that was outside the table and moved it above the table, and that's at the top of the article.
This one works. It cuts the text as I want and also does not srew up the formatting on the listing.
One of my articles got a large white field after the cut and befire the «Read more» buttons, but only one of them and that's the article that I was testing with, and I didn' find anyting particular in te HTML-code that should do it, but I gueaa I will when I look closer into it.

Anyway, I have a solution i can live with, me thinks, so thank you both very much!
Statistics: Posted by Nalle_Berg — Fri Nov 15, 2024 10:22 am